Serah  Choi

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  VIBE 🔥️


Adobe AfterEffects Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop 

About ︎︎︎︎︎︎


What does this mean for the MICA community? What does it mean to record this pulse? What are the factors that go into measuring this? Similar to a human body, the MICA community has a pulse that we can attempt to record and understand through placing sensors at unique locations on campus. The pulse tells us not only about moments of activity but also moments to rest and transition, ultimately archiving a non-linear narrative of what it’s like to be here.

Project by

Adobe Creative Cloud / Karssonwilker / Maryland Institute College of Art

︎︎︎ Check our project via links! ︎︎︎

“That MICA Vibe” Website, designed by Yeri Choi, and Serah Choi


The goals of this project are to present an interesting, safe, and open way of collecting data as a precedent to more data-driven works in the future, how can we redefine the scope of data collection to exist beyond surveys and site trackers? As a result, we have chosen to collect data in non-homogenous ways (pop-up events, 24/7 sensor station) to diversify the types and reactions to data collection. More importantly, how can we coax a playful engagement with the MICA community in an era of data paranoia? Seeing the people behind data collection humanizes the often alienated process of data collection, and perhaps art and design may help us foster a better relationship between people and digital interfaces.

Additionally, we are exploring the longevity and life cycle of our sensors/data. Since our data is collected from MICA students, it should belong to MICA students. When our current project is finished, we will open up this collection of sensors and data points to future MICA students to pursue data-driven projects.

The MICAVIBE project was wholly designed and built by students in the Spring 2019 Interactive Spaces class in the Interactive Arts department at MICA. The class was: Blythe Thea Williams, Cheng Qin, Gary Zhang, Heerim Shin, Jess Sanders, Laurain Park, Miri Kim, Peter Turnbull, Serah Choi, and Yeri Choi.

Dione Lee was the teaching assistant and Adam Bachman was the instructor. The code for the project is at and the code for this site is at


Mica Vibe main home page 
This page held a live screen that projected the data inputs from all the stations combined.
This page held a live screen that projected data input from motion stations. This is a documentation of the live screen displaying visual data received.
This page held a live screen that projected data input from sound stations. This is a documentation of the live screen displaying sound data received.

Mood Station


Final book design

Photo Archive for station heros